perm filename CHARS.B[AM,DBL]8 blob sn#472392 filedate 1979-09-06 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	Name: THORN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 55518/49913/49913		8/8/79
C00009 00003	Equipment:	
C00015 00004	Name: LLARN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 11502/11502
C00019 00005	Equipment:	
C00023 00006	Name: ARWEN	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 12901/11728
C00027 00007	Equipment:	
C00032 00008	Name: ADRIANA	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 32142/32142
C00037 00009	Equipment:	
C00041 00010	Name: MORRN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 15,840
C00045 00011	Equipment:	
C00048 00012	Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 4,000
C00051 00013	Equipment:	
C00054 00014	Name: REINA  	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 719/654
C00057 00015	Equipment:	
C00062 ENDMK
Name: THORN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 55518/49913/49913		8/8/79
Class: Th/MU/F	Level: 7/6/5(6)		Alignment: C.N.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 11 (19)        12          10          14           18           8

Hits: 	43    (Includes +4 Crow, and previous CON 15 pluses)
	      5/2/10  6/4/7  4/3/8  3/4/9  3/2/7  5/4  4/

Gold: 50395	Carried: 10cspge; sack of gems (1500tot); jewels (5000tot)
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +3000

Armor class: 2+4            (2 Plate/shield; 4 DEX mod)
  when thieving: 8+4        (8 Leather; 4 DEX mod; but: AC 7+4 if using shield)

Saving throws:     Poison 10  Wands 9  Stone 11  Dragon 12(8)  Spells 10

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+3 Long Sword           5   3   1   0  -1  -2  -3  -5  -7   1d8+1d10+3 1d12+1d10+3  3    5
2-Handed sword          4   3   2   1  -1  -2  -3  -2  -2   2d10       3d6+1d10     6    1
Firm Long Bow           8   6   5   3   1  -1  -2  -3  -4   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Lance (Heavy horse)	4   3   3   2   1   1   0   0  -1   2d4+1d10+1 3d6+1d10     1    8
Spetum (disarm: AC8)    9   7   5   4   3   2   1  -1  -3   1d6+1d10+1 2d6+1d10     1    8
[Firm L. Composite Bow 11   9   7   6   4   2   1  -1  -2   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
[Dart                  13  11   9   7   5   4   1   1  -1   1d3+2      1d2+2    1.5/3/4.5]
Spells taken in:
	1st (4): Enlargement, Identify, MM3d4+6, Enlargement
	2nd (2): Stinking cloud, St Cld
	3rd (2): Slow, Invis 10' rad
	Ring (all+1):  Fireball13,  Poly Self, Confusion, 2 Wall of Fire, Hold Monster
Scrolls: Shield 55r, Feather Fall, Prot. elementals
Magic items:  	Fear wand (initially 15 uses; used 6 times)
	Heat Cleaver sword of cold +3 (+6 vs fire), speak W.Dragon,Common,Chaos
		det. traps 1-3, magic 1-5, and locates secret doors 1-2
		50% exting. fires 10'rad (incl. wall of fire). Invul to normal fire.
		Very: Max damage is 1pt/segment (10/r): lava, demon, hellh, wall of fire
		Excep:-2/die & -4save vs fireball, lava, wall of fire, breath, Balrog
	Skeleton sword: -2 Cursed, Det. Metal, Intell 7, Repels Undead ($3k→Llarn)
	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7)
	+5% lockpick (borrowed from Adriana for some future item)
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d6 heal/hurt per gulp.
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite per gulp.
	Rings with clerical continual darkness and MU continual light (inside)
	Certificate of resurrection (duplicate on file at Marchand church)
	Gauntlets of ogre strength: 19 STR, +4 attack, extra 1d10 damage
	6 arrows with Magic Mouths on them, 6 sim. invis. pellets with MM's:
		Orcas call, Breathing, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps
	7 arrows with 5MMs + contin. dark: arguing, 6 above. 7 sim. w/contin.light
	20 MM guard arrows: >shot/placed, laugh loud if monster passes or arrow laughs.
	Fake wand with button & Fake rod, each with 2 MMs that hum when "used"
	Ring of spell storing 6 
	2 potions of gaseous form (separate flasks)
	Ring of +1 Magic (changes specification of spell by 1 in any one way)
	1 +2/+2 arrow (for use in Giant Wars)
	4 sets of Identify pearls and materials
	Magic Mouths on all valuable possessions, which cry out at thieving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, sword, sacks which warn of rear attack
   Carried (slung):     50' & 6' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	3 Spears	Thieving tools
			1 Sm. sack	1 plate armor converting to leather in 1r
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        8 Holy Water  	6 MM Pellets	2 Daggars
			1 Hammer	12 special darts:
			Their tips are poisoned, turned invisible, and capped.
   Quiver containing: 	3 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	22 silv arrows 	6 MM arrows
   Quiver containing:	24 silv arrows  12 arrows w/capped, poisoned, invis tips
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			3 Oil  		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			2lb Wrapped meat1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			3 shells & pea	1 Flute		10 juggling balls
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (19 hits), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 6 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			48 silv arrows	1 l. compos. bow 2 skins of water
			50 gold		1 100gold gem	12 special darts&arrows

E.P. Bonus:  Thief 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +5 (for FTR), +5 (for Gauntlets&Ring), +1 (for Elf)
Sword Damage bonus: +1d10 (for Gauntlets)
Bow Attack bonus:   +3 (for DEX), +5 (for FTR), +1 (for Elf)
Bow Damage bonus:   +2 (max allowable for Gauntlets' Strength)
System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%
Will: Note certif. of ressurection; we assume I failed to revive.    My fear
  wand (or if nec. another item) is offered to any MU who WISHes me back; if
  not, then offer an item of  mine  to a cleric who will Raise Dead Fully on
  me.         Until this occurs: In return for her  many friendly acts,  far
  more than any  other Good  character  has rendered me,  I hereby  bequeath
  that Adriana the Ranger  shall be given  her choice of  using any and  all
  items I possess.  Any remaining items are  to be diced for by everyone who  
  can use the item, if they agree to return them if ever I'm brought back.

Striking from behind: Triple damage (leather armor, no shield, l. sword)
	with surprise: extra +4 on attack
Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead
+3 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
Speaks: Thief cant, C.N., elf, gnome, hobbit, (hob)goblin, orc, gnoll, common
Spells known: [45%; 5-7]
	1st: Sleep 30'circle centered < 80' 25r, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Identify, Charm,
		Magic Missle 3 1d4+1 110' 10'square, Friends 5r 60'rad, Write, Enlarge, P.Evil
	2nd: Wiz. lock, Stink Cld 5r 2x2x2, Magic Mouth, Contin Lt 60' 60'rad, Forget,
		Invisibility, Rope Trk 6indiv 10t, Web 10t 25' 40x20x10, Strength,Knock
	3rd: Fireball 150' 20' rad (33M cu.ft) 5d6, Clairvoy 5r, Phantas Forces,  Suggest
		Dispel Magic, Haste 60/Slow 140' 8r 40x40 5creat +4att[p67], P.Evil 10' 10r
	Pickpocket	    75%  (caught:  96%)
	Open locks	    67%  (62% +5% magic lockpick)
	Locate/remove Traps 61%
	Move silently	    70%
	Hide in shadows	    63%
	Climb walls	    94%
	Read languages	    35%
	Hear noise	    30%
Name: LLARN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 11502/11502
Class: Th/F   	Level: 5/4  		Alignment:   N.		Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.93           8           8          14           16           9

Hits: 	27    
	      5/8   6/6   5/7   4/9   3/

Gold: 2307			       Gold usually carried: 50g,gems: 50, 1000
Doors: 1-4 (1)			       Bars/gates: 35%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +2000

Armor class: 2+2            (2 Plate/shield; 2 DEX mod)
  when thieving: 8+2        (8 Leather; 2 DEX mod)

Saving throws:     Poison 6   Wands 7   Stone 8   Dragon 9   Spells 9    (CON bonus +4)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               13  11   9   8   7   6   5   3   1   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Firm Long Bow          10   8   7   5   3   1   0  -1  -2   1d6+2      1d6+2        7/14/2
2-Handed sword          9   8   7   6   4   3   2   3   3   1d10+5     3d6+5        6    1
Spear                  10   8   7   6   4   3   2   1   0   1d6+5      1d8+5        1     
Spear (hurled)         12  11   9   8   6   4   3   2   1   1d6+2      1d8+2     1/2/3]
[Magic +0 Club         15  13  11   9   7   6   4   3   1   1d6+5      1d3+5        2     ]
[Firm L. Composite Bow 13  11   9   8   6   4   3   1   0   1d6+2      1d6+2     6/12/21]
[Dart                  16  14  12  10   8   6   4   4   2   1d3+1      1d2+1   1.5/3/4.5]
[Wooden Darts          13  11   9   7   5   3   1   1  -1   1d3+1      1d2+1   0.7/1.5/3]

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs
-4 on enemy attack by ogres, giants, titans, trolls
Ability to attack at +3 with nonmetallic weapons

Magic items:  
	+0 Magic club
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite per gulp.
	Bronze Horn of Valhallah
	Ring with MU continual light (inside)
	Fake wand with button, magic mouthed to hum when pressed
	1 arrow with Magic Mouth on it (Pseudo-Wish), 1 similar pellet
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	2 arrows with C. Lt. on them
	Magic Bronze Horn of Valhallah (Summon 2d4 Berserk swordsmen 1/wk)
	Vial of giant slug digestive juices

   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	1 Club		2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	8 Spears	Thieving tools
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			1 skel. sword	1 shield which fits over that sword
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	1 MM Pellet 	3 special darts
   Sack containing: 	2 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	22 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Quiver containing:	24 silv arrows  12 arrows w/capped, poisoned, invis tips
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		2 Silv mirrors  1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (19 hits), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	2 holy water	1 wk rations
			48 silv arrows	1 l. compos. bow 2 skins of water
			20 gold		1 100gold gem	12 poison silv arrows

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  Thief 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +4 (for FTR), +2 (for STR)
Club Attack bonus:  +4 (for FTR), +2 (for STR), +3 (Nonmetallic weapon)
Bow Attack bonus:   +4 (for FTR), +2 (for DEX), +3 (Nonmetallic weapon)
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all neutral (and part-neutral) characters.
	They can then dice for my items. If any items are unusable by them,
	then characters who CAN use them may dice for them.
	This is after repaying party members who spent funds trying to ress. me.
System shock: 88%		Resurrection: 92%

Striking from behind: Double damage (leather armor, no shield, l. sword or club)
	with surprise: extra +4 on attack
+1 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
Speaks: Thieves' cant, alignment, dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common

	Pickpocket	    50%  (caught:  71%)
	Open locks	    57%
	Locate/remove Traps 55%
	Move silently	    40%
	Hide in shadows	    31%
  	Hear noise	    20%
	Climb walls	    79%
	Read languages	    20%
	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: ARWEN	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 12901/11728
Class: F/MU   	Level: 4/4  		Alignment: N.		Race: Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 17 (25)        14          11          13           17          14

Hits: 	28    (+4 for Crow)
	      10/3   8/2   7/3   10/4

Gold: 4150			       Gold carried: 50g,10e,10c,1000jewel
Doors: 1-5 (2)			       Bars/gates: 40%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +3000

Armor class: 2+3            (2 Plate/shield; 3 DEX mod)

Saving throws:     Poison 10  Wands 11  Stone 12  Dragon 13  Spells 14

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword (P.Undead)  9   7   5   4   3   2   1  -1  -3   1d8+3d10+1 1d12+3d10+1  3    5
Lance (Heavy horse)	6   5   5   4   3   3   2   2   1   2d4+3d10+1 3d6+3d10     1    8
2-Handed sword          6   5   4   3   1   0  -1   0   0   4d10       3d6+3d10     6    1
Firm Long Bow          11   9   8   6   4   2   1   0  -1   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
Spear		       11   9   8   7   5   4   3   2   1   1d6+3d10   1d8+3d10     1    7]
[Ranseur (disarm: AC8) 14  12  11   9   8   7   6   5   3   2d4+3d10   2d4+3d10     1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow 15  13  11  10   8   6   5   3   2   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]
[+1 Daggar	       14  13   9   8   5   4   2   1  -2   1d4+3d10+1 1d3+3d10+1   1    2]

Spells taken in:
	1st (3): Prot. Evil, Sleep, Charm
	2nd (2): Stinking Cloud, Invis

Magic items:  
	Crow (familiar; bestows good vision; 4 hits, AC7)
	Wineskin of potion that does + or - 1d4 some requisite per gulp.
	Ring with MU continual light (inside)
	Gauntlets of star giant strength: 25 STR, +4 attack, extra 3d10 damage
	Fake wand with button, with magic mouth that buzzes when pushed
	1 Magic mouthed arrow (Footsteps receding), C. Lt. pellet (Laughter)
	Magic Mouth on gauntlets which cries out at thieving attempt
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	2 potion of gaseous form
	Cursed ring of delusion
	Scrolls: detect magic, confusion
	+1 Daggar (+2 against kobolds,...)
	Ring of Surprise +2
	+1 Sword, protection from undead; Neutral; Intell 4 (bought for 18k)
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin gd wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Ranseur	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	1 Spear		1 Long Sword
			10' pole	1 chain mail net (10x10')/hooks
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        6 Holy Water  	5 Spikes 	6 Special darts
   Sack containing: 	2 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	22 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Quiver containing:	24 silv arrows  12 special arrows
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 Oil  		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse, Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48 silv. arrows	48 norm. arrows 4 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations
			1 long composite bow		48 poison silv. arrows

E.P. Bonus:  Fighter 10%
Sword Attack bonus: +4 (for FTR), +4 (for Gauntlets), +1 (for Elf)
Sword Damage bonus: +3d10 (for Gauntlets)
Bow Attack bonus:   +2 (for DEX), +4 (for FTR), +1 (for Elf)
Bow Damage bonus:   +2 (max allowable for Gauntlets' Strength)
Will:  In return for his paying for 1/3 of my gauntlets' tax (over 3000gp),
	Thorn shall inherit those gauntlets.  Adriana has first pick of my other
	magic items.  After that, all characters may then dice for
	all my remaining items. After repaying res. expenses, divide gold evenly.

System shock: 85%		Resurrection: 90%

Can surprise on 1-4 if not in metal armor, alone or 90' ahead (1-2 thru doors)
+2 on initiative to attack (due to DEX)
Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin,
	orc, gnoll, common tongue

	Can intuit traps (1-6), secret doors (1-3), enemies (25%)
	Can intuit evil (25%), speak with plants or animals once/day

Spells known: [55%; 6-9]
	1st: Sleep, Find Fam., Rd Magic, Magic Missle, Tens. disk, Jump, Prot. Evil,
	     		Detect Magic, Enlarge, Shocking grasp, Charm, Identify
	2nd: ESP, Invis, Levitate, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web,
			Wizard Lock, Locate Object, Leom. Trap, C. Light
Name: ADRIANA	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 32142/32142
Class: Cleric/Ranger	Level: 5(6)/5  	Alignment: N.G.		Race: Half-Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
  18.78         13          14          13           13          12

Hits: 	35
	      7/8/5  8/4  5/8  6/7  7/4

Gold: 34557			       Gold carried: 250g, 1000 in gems
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 30%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1500

Armor class: 2+3            (+2 Plate)

Saving throws:     Poison  9  Wands 10  Stone 12  Dragon 12  Spells 12

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Trollcrusher (L sword) 11   9   7   6   5   4   3   1  -1   1d8+5      1d12+5       3    5
Spetum  (disarm: AC8)  12  10   8   7   6   5   4   2   0   1d6+5      2d6+4        1    8
2-Handed sword          8   7   6   5   3   2   1   2   2   1d10+4     3d6+4        6    1
Firm Long Bow          13  11  10   8   6   4   3   2   1   1d6+2      1d6+2      7/14/21
[Lance (Heavy horse)   10   9   9   8   7   7   6   6   5   2d4+5      3d6+4        1    8]
[Firm L. Composite Bow 17  15  13  12  10   8   7   5   4   1d6+2      1d6+2      6/12/21]

Extra +5 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres

Spells taken in:
	1st (5): Heal, Heal, Heal, Heal, Fear
	2nd (3): Speak with animals, Hold Person, Silence
	3rd (1): (Remove) Curse

Magic items:  
	Trollcrusher: +1 L.G. long sword (+3/+3 on Trolls); Intell 11, Ego 3
		x2 gems-finding, see invisible, read magic, speak common; 300g gems.
	+2 plate armor
	Rings with clerical continual light (inside) and darkness
	7 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Fireball, wind, walk, count, cry, sing, whisper
	7 C. Dark arrows (C. Light headband), 4 w/MM sounds (walk,talk,breathe,scream)
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Fake wand with button, magic mouthed to hum if pushed.
	1 dose of potion of gaseous form (luckily loaned to Jerry during Hramtime)
	Potion of fire resistance (1 dose) bought from Thorn
	+1 daggar (anxious to unload!)

Turning: Skel (D), Zombies (D), Ghouls/Shadows, Ghast/Wight, Wraith 7, Mummy 9, Specter 11
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin holy wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum 	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	Trollcrusher    1 10' pole
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy Water  	4 Spikes 	2 oils
   Sack containing: 	1 Oil flasks	7 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	15 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 Oil  		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (20hp), Plate barding (AC3), Lance
   In saddlebags:	24 silv. arrows	24 norm. arrows 8 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 first aid kit
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations

E.P. Bonus:  None
Sword Attack bonus: +5 (for FTR), +2 (for STR)
Bow Attack bonus:   +5 (for FTR)
Will:  Although I have befriended even chaotic players, I will rest easier
	knowing that only Lawful or Good characters diced for my items. In
	recompense, my gold will be divided among the other characters.
	If a party tried to res. me, they are reimbursed first. Thorn can wear
	my armor, but shall get no share of gold or items other than that.
System shock: 88%		Resurrection: 92%

Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin,
	orc, gnoll, common tongue
30% resistant to sleep and charm

Can surprise on 1-3
Only surprised on a 1

    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
	Normal passage or room		65%
	Through door or stairs		55%
	Through trap door		45%
	Through secret door		25%
	Base chance to track is		       90%
	For each creature over 1 tracked add	2%
	For each 24hrs that have elapsed add  -10%
	For each hour of rain/snow add        -25%

Name: MORRN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 15,840
Class: F     	Level: 4    		Alignment:  N.G.	Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   16           10          11          19           12          13

Hits: 	49    (Con bonus +4)
	      10  10  5  8

Gold: 1204              	       Gold usually carried: 50, 1k in gems
Doors: 1-3    			       Bars/gates: 10%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +350

Armor class: 2+1  (2+5 vs giant-types)     ( +1 Plate; Dwarf)

Saving throws:     Poison 5   Wands 6   Stone 7   Dragon 8  Spells 9    (CON bonus +5)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
+1 L. Sword            14  12  10   9   8   7   6   5   2   1d8+2      1d12+2       3    5
Firm Long Bow          14  12  11   9   7   5   4   3   2   1d6+1      1d6+1        7/14/2
2-Handed sword         11  10   9   8   6   5   4   5   5   1d10+1     3d6+1        6    1

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs
-4 on enemy attack by ogres, giants, titans, trolls

Magic items:  
	Ring with MU continual light (inside)
	1 arrow with Magic Mouth on it (Pseudo-Wish), 1 similar pellet
	6 arrows with tips that were poisoned, invised, and capped.
	1 arrow with tip that was c. darked, 5 simult. MMs do approaching footsteps.
	5 arrows hose tips were C. Lighted, MMed to scream, breath, OrcasCall, count
	Fake rod with button, 3MMed to hum if pushed; also uncoverable C.Lt. tip.
	2 bottles of soapy water
	+1 plate armor
	X-Ray binoculars  ($500/wk rent → Llarn)
	Magic Mouth on Binoculars, which cry out at thieving attempt
	1 potion of gaseous form (borrowed from Llarn, who borrowed from Arwen)
	+2/+2 arrow for use in Giant Wars
	+1 Sword (+4/+4 vs slimes and blobs)
		Sec. doors 1-5, Magic 1-5, Slope Pass 1-5, Read Magic, Speak
	Scrolls:  Jump (5), FeatherFall 13, MM7
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Potion of Extra Healing (3d8+3)
   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	2 L. sacks	2-Handed sword
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        4 Holy Water  	1 MM Pellet 	3 special darts
   Sack containing: 	2 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	8 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		1 mirror        1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (21hp), Plate barding, Lance
   In saddlebags:	48  arrows	2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  
Sword Attack bonus: +3 (for FTR)
Sword Damage bonus: +1 (for STR)
Bow Attack bonus:   +3 (for FTR)
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all characters, items diced for.
	This is after repaying party members who spent funds trying to ress. me.
System shock: 100%		Resurrection: 100%

Speaks: N.G., dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common

	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: GAILI	Owner: Merle Lenat	Experience: 4,000
Class: F     	Level: 3    		Alignment:  L.N.	Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 18.83           5          14          15           17(18)      11

Hits: 	26    (Con bonus +1)
	      6   9   8

Gold: 9654              	       Gold usually carried: 50, 3k in gems
Doors: 1-4    			       Bars/gates: 30%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +1500

Armor class: 2+3  (2+7 vs giant-types)     (Plate; +3 DEX; Dwarf)

Saving throws:     Poison 7   Wands 8   Stone 9   Dragon 10  Spells 11   (CON bonus +4)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
L. Sword               14  12  10   9   8   7   6   5   2   1d8+4      1d12+4       3    5
Firm Long Bow          11   9   8   6   4   2   1   0  -1   1d6+2      1d6+2        7/14/2
2-Handed sword         10   9   8   7   5   4   3   4   4   1d10+4     3d6+4        6    1

+1 attack on goblins, hobgoblins, orcs
-4 on enemy attack by ogres, giants, titans, trolls

Magic items:  
	Rings with Clerical continual light and darkness (inside)
	1 arrow with C.Dark & Magic Mouth on it (Laughing), 1 similar pellet
	Fake rod with button, MMed to hum if pressed, C. Lt. tip (covered now)
	Invisible +1 daggar (+2 vs. giant class, kobolds,...; borrowed from Arwen)
	6 arrows with tips that were poisoned, invised, and capped.
   Carried (slung):     50' rope      	1 skin water    1 skin holy water
			1 Long Bow	2 L. sacks	2-Handed sword
			3 Sm. sacks	1 leather armor	2 iron spikes
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        4 Holy Water  	1 MM Pellet 	3 special darts
   Sack containing: 	5 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	8 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			2 Oil  		1 mirror        1 week's rations
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		M. Warhorse (20hp), Plate barding
   In saddlebags:	48  arrows	2 holy water
			4 wks. rations	9 skins water 	1 poison skin (marked)
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow

E.P. Bonus: Fighter 10%  
Sword Attack bonus: +3 (for FTR) +2 (for STR)
Sword Damage bonus: +4 (for STR)
Bow Attack bonus:   +3 (for FTR) +3 (for DEX)
Will: My gold is to be distributed among all characters, items diced for.
	This is after repaying party members who spent funds trying to ress. me.
System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%

Speaks: N.G., dwarvish, gnome, goblin, kobold, orc, common

	Detect Slopes	    75%
	Detect new construc 75%
	Detect shift walls  67%
	Detect traps	    50%
	Estimate depth	    50%
Name: REINA  	Owner: Merle Lenat 	Experience: 719/654
Class: Cleric/Ranger	Level: 1/1     	Alignment: C.G.		Race: Half-Elf  

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   16           14          16          15           12          16

Hits: 	8 

Gold: 200  			       Gold carried: 20g, 180 in gems
Doors: 1-3    			       Bars/gates: 10%         
Unadjusted weight: 1650	       	       Extra weight: +350

Armor class: 2

Saving throws:     Poison 11  Wands 12  Stone 14  Dragon 15  Spells 15

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man          >man      spc  spd
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---          ----      ---  ---
Long Sword             18  16  14  13  12  11  10   8   6   1d8+1      1d12+1       3    5
2-Handed sword         14  13  12  11   9   8   7   8   8   1d10+1     3d6+1        6    1
Firm Long Bow          17  15  14  12  10   8   7   6   5   1d6+1      1d6+1      7/14/21
[Lance (Heavy horse)   16  15  15  14  13  13  12  12  11   2d4+2      3d6+1        1    8]

Extra +1 damage against Bugbears, Ettins, Giants, Orcs, Gnolls,
			Trolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Ogres

Spells taken in:
	1st (3): Heal, Command, Fear

Magic items:  
	Rings with clerical continual light (inside) and darkness
	2 C. Lt. MM'ed arrows: Chant, Footsteps
	Magic Mouth on back of armor which warns of rear attack or thieving
	Fake wand with button, magic mouthed to hum if pushed.
	+1 daggar (borrowed from Adriana)

   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 skin water    1 skin holy wine
			1 Long Bow	1 Spetum 	2-Handed sword
			3 L. sacks	Long Sword      1 10' pole
			2 wineskins of holy water (10 squirts each)
   Bandelero of:        9 Holy Water  	4 Spikes 	2 oils
   Sack containing: 	1 Oil flasks	7 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	8 flame arrows	15 silv arrows 	1 MM arrow (marked)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	2 Wolvesbane	
			1 Oil  		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
			6 candles       1 Silver mirror	1 sm. sack of dust
			Sack: rags, alcohol, wax, string, paint, brush, ink, paper
   On belt:		Pouch of herbs: sugar, salt, pepper, honey, baking soda
   If mounted:		H. Warhorse (21hp), Plate barding (AC3), Lance
   In saddlebags:	24 silv. arrows	24 norm. arrows 8 holy water
			4 wks. rations	8 skins water 	1 first aid kit
			4 50' ropes	8 L. sacks	1 composite l. bow
   In invis saddlebags: 1 l. sword	10 holy water	1 wk rations

E.P. Bonus:  10/0
Sword Attack bonus: +1 (for FTR)
Bow Attack bonus:   +1 (for FTR)
Will:  Choice of stuff goes to any Rangers; then others may choose what they
	(the rangers) cannot use.   All my gold goes to charity, however.
System shock: 91%		Resurrection: 94%

Speaks: alignment, elvish, gnome, halfling, (hob)goblin,
	orc, gnoll, common tongue
30% resistant to sleep and charm

Can surprise on 1-3
Only surprised on a 1

    Underground: must be less than 3 turns (30 minutes) old, to commence.
	Normal passage or room		65%
	Through door or stairs		55%
	Through trap door		45%
	Through secret door		25%
	Base chance to track is		       90%
	For each creature over 1 tracked add	2%
	For each 24hrs that have elapsed add  -10%
	For each hour of rain/snow add        -25%